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The Sun
  1. Sanskrit Name, 'Surya'
  2. Abbreviation, 'Sy'
  3. Represents, the soul.
  4. Corresponding Yantra, Surya Yantra
The Moon
  1. Sanskrit Name, 'Chandra'
  2. Abbreviation, 'Ch'
  3. Represents, the mind.
  4. Corresponding Yantra, Chandra Yantra
  1. Sanskrit Name, 'Mangal or Angarak'
  2. Abbreviation, 'Ma'
  3. Represents, Energetic action, confidence and ego.
  4. Corresponding Yantra, Mangal Yantra
  1. Sanskrit Name, 'Buddh'
  2. Abbreviation, 'Bu'
  3. Represents, communication / speech, intellect.
  4. Corresponding Yantra, Buddh Yantra
  1. Sanskrit Name, 'Guru or Birahaspathi'
  2. Abbreviation, 'Gu'
  3. Represents, The great teacher.
  4. Corresponding Yantra, Birahaspathi Yantra
  1. Sanskrit Name, 'Shukra'
  2. Abbreviation, 'Sk'
  3. Represents, Wealth, material comforts, pleasure and reproduction.
  4. Corresponding Yantra, Sukra Yantra
  1. Sanskrit Name, 'Shanaishcharya or Shani'
  2. Abbreviation, 'Sa'
  3. Represents, Learning the hard way and judgement of one's previous life.
  4. Corresponding Yantra, Shani Yantra
Ascending / North Lunar Node
  1. Sanskrit Name, 'Rahu'
  2. Abbreviation, 'Ra'
  3. Represents, Often described as a demon who does his best to plunge any area of one's life he controls into chaos.
  4. Corresponding Yantra, Rahu Yantra
Descending/South Lunar Node
  1. Sanskrit Name, 'Ketu'
  2. Abbreviation, 'Ke'
  3. Represents, Supernatural forces
  4. Corresponding Yantra, Ketu Yantra
*The Navgrah Yantra represents all nine planets.

There are two planets in this form of astrology, that do not exist in the Western system. These are, Rahu (the dragon's head) and Ketu (the dragon's tail). Both of these are shadow planets and are generally considered to be malefic. The are also two planetary groupings in Vedic Astrology. The planets in these two groups are considered to be friendly towards one another, but are opposed to (enemies of) the planets of the opposite group. These two groups are given below, the planets in these two groups also share common characteristics. Those in Group - 1 are masculine, while those in Group - 2 are feminine.
Ist Group
  1. The Sun
  2. The Moon
  3. Mars
  4. Jupiter
2nd Group
  1. Saturn
  2. Mercury
  3. Venus
  4. Rahu
  5. Ketu
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