Dear Power Fortunes,
My name is Myriam, and I live in Normandy in rural France. I have had things very tough for the past number of years, including divorce and financial hardship. Although by nature a very positive person, it seemed that I was in the middle of a period of bad luck, which seemed set to continue - I was becoming quite depressed and couldn't see anything in my future. My negative feelings were such that when I did meet a man I cared for very much, in fact an old family friend I have known for many years and know to be reliable and kind, I rejected him due to the fear of being hurt once again and because I didn't really see how anyone could find me attractive.
I contacted Dharama, the Tarot reader at and described my concerns, through the medium of the three questions we are allowed to ask of her. Her answers astonished me - she have a very accurate assessment of what has been happening between myself and my friend; and even more impressively, she analysed his character perfectly, although I had given her absolutely no information in this regard - she said things about him that nobody else could possibly know. I have the sense that Dharama is a kind and caring person - she treats me as an individual, and remembers me each time I come back to her - I am not just treated as a number. I also think it is important that Dharama doesn't just tell me what I want to hear, but what she feels is true. In addition to predicting a good outcome for me, he has also told me of difficulties which would arise and would have to be overcome, more importantly, that they WOULD be overcome and that I would gain happiness with my friend in the future.
After a number of consultations over a period of 8 months, all has worked out as she has predicted - including the difficulties . . .however, these difficulties are only part of the unfolding of events, and only serve to prove to me that Dharama's predictions are extremely accurate. The most important thing for me is now that I have gained more confidence in myself and have become much more positive. I few the difficulties and obstacles as part of real life, and thanks to Dharama, I now believe the good things she predicted will also some fact, some of them have already. I would recommend a reading with Dharama to anyone who has concerns. You will feel comforted and reassured, but not in a false way - she will not help you delude yourself and build castles in the air, but will show you the way forward.
Finally, I would like to thank all at, for the wonderful support and personal service they provide.
- Myriam A. Henry, Normandy, France.
Dear Power Fortunes,
I have been getting tarot readings with Dharama for about two years. I continue to go back to her not only because she has been very accurate and helpful, she gives her readings with compassion and warmth. Her readings have been very helpful in many areas of my life. Anytime that I have questions I know that I can count on Dharama to help me put things into perspective and to give me guidance.
-Mrs. Loshi Lyn Huenemann, Ricfield, USA..