The following FAQs and facts contain important information about the nature and workings of talismans and amulets.
- What is a Yantra Talisman?
- The short answer: A Yantra is a talisman based on the ancient Vedic (Hindu) belief system. This is the same belief system which has given us 'Yoga', Vedic Astrology and 'Ayurved'. All these disciplines follow common fundemental principles. For more details visit our page, about talismans and amulets.
- Do Yantras really work?
- Yes, but then you'd expect us to say that. But the fact of the matter is that for thousands of years, since before the Vedic Age, people who have acquired such talismans, have found that there have been positive changes in their lives. You can see what some people have told us at 'Real Life Accounts'. These Yantra are based on an ancient knowledge that encompasses not only the creation of these amulets, but many other areas, some of these are relatively more well known, such as Yoga and Ayurved, but they all follow the same guiding principles.
- How long does it take for their effects to be felt?
- Vedic talismans are always sending out positive energy, wherever they are placed. So once you acquire one it will immediately start to influence it's surroundings. Yantra talismans increase the power of those astrological factors that favour you and reduce those factors with a negative influence. Hence, the positive effects of a Yantra will vary from person to person, depending on the horoscope details of each person.
- How should a Yantra Talisman be worshipped?
The basic method of maintaining and worshipping our larger, fixed Vedic Talismans is provided by us in the instructions we send with the each order. Nothing much is required and the instructions are essentially a list of 'Dos and Don'ts'. More complex methods, as described in the Vedas can been preformed, but this does require a certain degree of knowledge of Vedic teachings and principles. You can find an online copy of these instructions at:
- Fixed Talismans Instructions.
- Our lucky charm locket/bracelet/key ring talismans also have a set of optional instructions, but essentially these talismans and are to simply be used when they are received. You can find these instructions at: Locket Talismans Instructions.
The basic method of maintaining and worshipping our larger, fixed Vedic Talismans is provided by us in the instructions we send with the each order. Nothing much is required and the instructions are essentially a list of 'Dos and Don'ts'. More complex methods, as described in the Vedas can been preformed, but this does require a certain degree of knowledge of Vedic teachings and principles. You can find an online copy of these instructions at:
- What is the difference between fixed Yantras and locket Yantras?
- A locket bears a minature grid of the Yantra and may be worn around the neck. You may use any suitable chain or thread. This should not be placed in a wallet or handbag. Given the rigors of everyday life, it possible for the power of a locket Yantra to decrease slightly, over the years. If this were to happen, simply repeating Locket Talismans Instructions will restore the talisman's power. In comparison, a fixed Yantra is to be placed in your home or workplace and it's power will usually increase, as it is worshipped over a period of time.
- Do I have to recite the corresponding Mantras?
- A Yantra will often have one or more corresponding Mantras. Chanting these Mantras in the presence of the Yantra talisman is beneficial, but not essential. More details about Mantras are available on our Mantra Affirmation page.
- Do my religious beliefs make a difference?
- Not at all. Vedic Talismans respond to the worshipper, irrespective of their faith. Neither is one required to adopt new beliefs.
- Are the results guaranteed?
- In a word, no. Yantra talismans have nothing to do with magic, they are a means of using positive spiritual energy to help you to accomplish your desires. It is upto the Almighty to decide how, when and to what extent your desires should be fulfilled. That is why no human being has the power to offer guarantees. According to Vedic astrology, items that come with guarantees cut both ways. If an object is created to deliver something to you no matter what, the 'Karmic' imbalance so created, will have to be restored. How this is done and price that is to be paid, is beyond anyone's control and need not be proportionate. Yantra talismans help you to fulfil your potential and reduce opposing forces, hence they do not create a 'Karmic' imbalance.