Astrologers vs psychics. "Who is better at predicting the future?", is a question that is often asked. Who do you think would win this Godzila versus King Kong match up of the supernatural soothsayers? Rest assured, we're not about to conduct a gladiatorial contest between practitioners of either system. In this article we simply wish to explore the fascinating world of divination, where two of the most popular practices, astrology and psychic readings, are compared and contrasted.
We will attempt to use our expertise in this field, to share what we hope is helpful information on the intricacies of both disciplines, to allow for a better understanding of how they differ from one another. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or simply curious about divination, dive in and explore the fascinating world of astrology and psychic readings together!
What are the similarities between psychic readings and astrology:
- Both involve the use of intuition: Psychics base their predictions on the information they obtain when they employ their intuitive and extra sensory abilities. Psychic mediums also do the same to connect with the spirit realm and receive messages from spirits. Although astrology involves interpreting horoscopes according to the cut and dry laws of astrology, experienced astrologers often call upon their intuitive abilities to ensure that they are making the correct interpretations.
- Both rely on a person's birth data: In astrology, an astrologer needs to know a person's birth date, time and place to create an accurate astrological chart. In psychic mediumship, a medium may need to know the name and date of birth of the person they are connecting with in order to establish a connection with their zodiac sign. In both cases, clearly understanding the enquirer's circumstances and questions, has a direct effect on the quality of the predictions obtained.
- Both can provide insight into a person's life: Astrology can provide insight into an individual's personality, strengths, weaknesses and future events. Similarly, psychics can provide insight into a person's past, present and future, as well as convey messages from loved ones who have passed on.
- Both have their roots in ancient practices: Astrology has been used for thousands of years to predict future events and gain insights into human nature. Similarly, psychic mediumship has been practiced in various forms throughout history as a means of communicating with the spirit world.
- Both require an understanding of symbolism: Astrology uses a variety of symbols to represent planets, zodiac signs and astrological aspects. Similarly, psychic mediumship involves the interpretation of symbols, messages and visions.
Now let's look at the differences:
- Belief systems: Psychic readings are often associated with spiritual and paranormal beliefs, while astrology predictions are limited to the movement of celestial bodies.
- Methodology: Psychics often use additional divinatory tools and methods to gain insights, including fortune telling cards, tarot cards, crystals and meditation. Astrology predictions are based on mathematical calculations and interpretations of celestial patterns.
- Source of information: Psychic readings rely on information gathered through extrasensory perception, while astrology predictions are based on interpreting how astrological factors or possibilities may impact a situation.
- Timeframe: Psychic readings can provide insights into events happening in the present or near future, while astrology predictions are able to account for short to longer-term trends and influences.
- Level of detail: Psychic readings can provide information of an intricate, minute nature about specific events or situations. The level of detail that an astrological prediction can reveal, depends on how strong the associated astrological factors are.
Astrological Factors Indicating Psychic Ability
Astrology can identify all manner of a person's nature, potential and ability and this includes the possibility of psychic awareness. Therefore, astrology dictates that psychic powers are only possible if they exist in a person's birth chart. In other words, you have to be born with it. It therefore also follows that if you want to know if someone is a real psychic medium, who possesses a genuine ability of psychic insight, have their birth chart checked. However, that's not all that astrology is good for, a horoscope can determine if someone possesses dormant psychic powers and suggest ways to develop powers of intuition, such as through the use of a suitable astrological remedy. If you are wondering who such people might be, we carry the profiles of people who are known to possess genuine psychic awareness.
Certain planets are closely linked to the metaphysical and esoteric worlds. For example, Venus is mentor to the underworld and provides knowledge of all mystical practices. Likewise, Jupiter is mentor to the divine realm and imbibes an inclination towards spirituality and spiritual knowledge. In fact, if the subject matter of this article is of interest to you, this would be an indication that Venus and Jupiter influence the natal chart houses mentioned further on. There are other planets that are also closely associated with mediumship and mystical powers such as 'Ketu', which is connected with our soul and represents the spirit world. Both 'Ketu' and the Moon are spiritual planets and if they are conjunct, a person will have the potential for psychic insight.
The factors influencing the birth chart houses mentioned below, will determine if a personal has psychic ability and if they can turn that ability to take up a divinatory art as a profession.
- Influences on the 12th House: This is the house of our subconscious, represents the soul and our cycle of birth and rebirth. Hence, anything related to esoteric knowledge, astral travel or spiritual enlightenment has a deep connection with the 12th House. Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and 'Ketu' are all planets of interest in relation to this house.
- Influences on the 6th House: This peripheral house lies diametrically opposite to the 12th house. Therefore the planets that occupy this house and aspect it from the 12th house, can determine the extent of a person's spiritual knowledge and ability. However, the 6th house has a deeper connection with the spirit world as it also relates to our 'Karmic' debt, deeds from past lives and the influence of the spirit world on our lives. If Venus, the Moon or 'Ketu' occupy this house, the concerned person may have mystical abilities and strong psychic intuition. If 'Rahu' is debilitated in this house, the person may be susceptible to occult practices and spiritual attack. Hence, it is important that anyone who engages in divinatory arts, make an assessment of this house.
- Influences on the 1st House: This is the ascendant's house and governs your being and your moral, emotional and intellectual characteristics. This house drives your life force and your success, hence the ruling planet of this house, the ascendant's lord must be strongly aligned in the natal chart, for success in spiritual practices. This is for two reasons, the first being the reason just mentioned, for success in one's chosen field. The second is for success specifically in professional spiritual practices, as anyone engaged in this field needs to have the courage of their convictions. Such a person must also be able to inspire confidence in others and above all, this person should remain unaffected by the supernatural elements that they may be exposed to, while channeling psychic energy. The planets that favour psychic ability in the context of the 1st house are Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and the Moon.
- Influences on the 10th House: This is the house of actions and determines the manner in which we pursue our objectives and the level of reward that is realised. Having a strong or favourable Jupiter, Mercury or Venus in the 10th house, will allow for success in a career as a professional psychic or astrologer.
- Influences on the 7th House: The 7th house relates to one's profession and livelihood. Therefore, a favourable influence from a mystical planet such as Jupiter, Venus or Saturn will aid a career in such a line of work.
What is Common between Astrology, Tarot and Psychic Practices
We have made a detailed comparison of the pros and cons of astrology, tarot and psychic readings on our main, 'Fortune Telling' page. But, have you ever wondered what, if any, do the vast variety of psychic and spiritual disciplines and techniques have in common? Of course, they help us walk our path better, grow more and become more evolved beings as we live our day-to-day lives and journey through life, but do they have any spiritual principles and teachings in common? Is there a key source that they refer to, or are based on, that precedes what we see on the surface - cards, natal charts, or numbers?
The answer is a resounding yes! There's much more to what meets the eye in a psychic or spiritual reading session. To be able to see the big cosmic picture, let's take a few steps back and study the organising principles of our universe.
Constant, Unchangeable Cosmic Principles
Imagine taking an absolute intro course in any science subject - what would the teacher teach first? Most likely, he or she would introduce you to the most basic concepts and the most important formulae you'll need to keep in mind the whole semester. It only makes sense.
Let's now imagine you're taking a course in psychic arts and sciences. How would your first class go? Which would be the key concepts and principles introduced? Are there formulas you'll need to know?
We asked many professional, practicing psychics and spiritual advisors this question and their answers were surprisingly similar even though they practice different and sometimes seemingly completely unrelated psychic techniques and methods.