Everyone knows about the Full Moon, but did you realize that there are seven other phases of
the Moon that profoundly affect our lives? The Moon changes signs every 2 ½ days and has a 28-day cycle. There is also the phrase Void-of-Course Moon which has a lot of people spooked.
Basically, a void-of-course moon happens when the Moon makes its final aspect to another
planet before it changes signs. The Moon is literally resting before it changes signs, and many
people tend to feel scattered or confused during this period. Plans or decisions don't work out
as planned and I have had many clients moan that they don't want to initiate any action
because they fear nothing will come of it. It feels like the Moon is retrograde, and since we all
know how frustrating a Mercury retrograde can be, we are better off just reflecting. But I would
like to clear the air about what signs can represent opportunity periods, when the Moon is void-of-course when the Moon is in :
Taurus, because it is exalted in Taurus.
Cancer because it rules Cancer.
Sagittarius due to Jupiter's fiery domicile.
Pisces, due to Jupiter's watery domicile.
Feel free to initiate actions during a void-of-course Moon in these four signs.
We also need to pay attention to the applying and closing aspects of the Moon. An applying
aspect occurs before a New Moon and indicates that two planets are moving towards an exact
aspect while a closing or separating aspect occurs when the two planets have found their exact
aspect and are moving away from it. Obviously the applying aspects of the Moon pack more of
a punch.
The New Moon
The first phase of the Moon is the New Moon. It happens when the Sun and Moon are conjunct
in the same sign. It is considered to be waxing because it is between the New Moon and the
Full Moon. The New Moon has a solar-lunar arc of 0° - 45°. It represents a period of fresh
starts as opportunities arise within 48 hours of the New Moon to plant seeds for your wishes
and to begin projects. It is a time to follow impulses. If you are born in a New Moon phase, you
are either born on the New Moon or within the 3 ½ days following the New Moon. You will
tend to project your feelings upon people and situations. Individuals born under a New Moon
have an emotional and impulsive approach to life. Famous people born under a New Moon phase are:
Queen Victoria
Sigmund Freud
Woodrow Wilson
The IInd Phase of the Moon
The second phase of the Moon is the Crescent Moon and is waxing with a solar-lunar arc of 45° -
90°. It happens 3 ½ to 7 days after the New Moon. There is a slowdown of enthusiasm
because of our desire to produce tangible results. It can be a time of obtaining more
information to move forward with plans. If you are born during a Crescent Moon phase, you
are probably self-assertive and have a strong desire to carry out your goals. Or you could wind
up feeling frustrated by struggle. Famous people born under a Crescent Moon phase:
Andrew Carnegie
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Louis XVI
Franz Liszt
The IIIrd Phase of the Moon
The third phase of the Moon is the 1st Quarter Moon and it is waxing with a solar-lunar arc of 90° - 135°. It occurs 7 - 10 ½ days after a New Moon. Emotions are stirring and we are more inclined to trust our instincts now. Obstacles could crop up that force us to reevaluate the situation. If you are born during a Crescent Moon phase, you have a strong will,
organizational skills, an ability to make decisions easily but can sometimes be ruthless. Those born during a 1st Quarter Moon phase are:
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The IVth Phase of the Moon
The fourth phase of the Moon is the Gibbous Moon and it is waxing with a solar-lunar arc of
135° - 180°. It happens 10 ½ - 15 days after a New Moon. During this period distractions
tend to come up and analysis is required. We need to process information and integrate our
goals with the people around us. It can be a period of organizing, synthesizing and adjusting as
necessary. If you are born during a Gibbous Moon phase, you have a strong desire to improve
yourself, evaluate people, handle money and seek out the light. Some famous souls born during a Gibbous Moon phase were:
Louis Pasteur
J.P. Morgan
George Gershwin
The Vth Phase of the Moon
The fifth phase of the Moon is the Full Moon, which is waning with a solar-lunar arc of 180° - 225°. It occurs either on the Full Moon when the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs or less
than 3 ½ days after the Full Moon. The waning period of the Moon occurs between the Full
Moon and the New Moon. This is a time when we can be divorced from reality and divided
against the self. Or we can be more mentally objective and seek to make our ideals a reality.
Full Moons stir the emotions and big reveals are disclosed. If you are unhappy with what is
going down during a Full Moon, you should use the next New Moon to take proactive steps to
move in the direction of your dreams. If you were born under a Full Moon, you have a magnetic
personality but can be indecisive. I have also noticed that many of my clients born under a Full
Moon tend to have parents who experience discord and conflict in their marital relationship.
Famous Full Moon babies include:
Rudolph Steiner
Mary Baker Eddy
Evangeline Adams
The VIth Phase of the Moon
The sixth phase of the Moon is the Disseminating waning or Gibbous Moon phase which has a
solar-lunar arc of 225° - 270°. It occurs 3 ½ - 7 days after the Full Moon. During this period everything is coming together in a creative fashion. We are seeking higher guidance and feeling
compelled to share what we have learned with others. We want to shed light and communicate
with more intuition, insight and imagination. If you were born under a Disseminating Moon
phase, you can wind up either mentally confused or a crusader and/or fanatic. Some noteworthy births of the Disseminating Moon phase are:
Thomas Jefferson
Teddy Roosevelt
The VIIth Phase of the Moon
The seventh phase of the Moon is the Last Quarter, which is waning and has a solar-lunar arc of
270° - 315°. It happens 7 to 11 days after a Full Moon. We can find it easier to manage
and organize people's beliefs on the basis of idea, reform, transform and work hard toward a
future goal. If you were born during the Last Quarter Moon phase, you can either possess a
strong sense of humor or the inability to take criticism and might hold a dictatorial attitude.
Famous Last Quarter Moon babies include:
George Washington
Victor Hugo
The VIIIth Phase of the Moon
The eighth and final phase of the Moon is the Balsamic Moon, which is a waning crescent and
has a solar-lunar arc of 315° - 360°. It occurs less than 3 ½ days before the next New
Moon. At this point in time we are eager to serve groups and institutions, while identifying
with ideals and causes in order to bring the past to a conclusion. If you were born during a
Balsamic Moon phase, you could possess prophetic gifts, a sense of personal destiny and a
sense of finality in your judgments. Balsamic Moon phase babies include:
Thomas Paine
Abraham Lincoln
Louis XVI
Final Thoughts
I hope that this helps you to understand what the emotional temperature is during the stages
of the month and how it affects your personality if you know what Moon Phase you were born
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