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Suggestions for Astrological Signs

Astrological Remedies for Your Zodiac Sign
Astrological Remedies for Your Zodiac Sign

In Vedic astrology, Yantras and Mantras hold a revered place due to their transformative and remedial qualities. These ancient tools are not only deeply rooted in the Hindu tradition, but are also tailored to resonate with the unique energies of each zodiac sign. They are believed to enhance personal growth, bring about inner peace and facilitate the manifestation of one’s desires.

We won't go into intricate detail about the beliefs of the concept and workings of Yantras and Mantras, as a great deal of valuable information on these topics is already available on We will quote the writer Dan Millman in this context. His teachings highlight the power of intention and visualisation, which are central to the practice of meditating on Yantras and chanting Mantras.

"Energy follows thought, we move toward but not beyond what we can imagine."

General Guidance

The Mantras suggested for each planet are powerful chants known as, 'Beej' or seed Mantras. These types of chants are strongly connected with the spiritual energy of each planet and enhance their positive effects.

The word 'Om' is common to all the recommended Mantras. This word is pronounced as "Aum", where you start with a broad "a" sound, transition into a "u" sound and close with an "m" that vibrates through the nasal passage.

Reciting these Mantras 108 times daily, especially early in the morning after taking a bath and during the evening, is recommended. Either a rudraksh or a crystal mala (rosary) may be used for counting, as both will enhance the benefits.

For maximum effect, the suggested Yantras should be placed and worshipped in the home's prayer area, facing the East direction. It is especially beneficial to install and worship these on the day of their corresponding planet.

The Signs

Aries ♈ (March 21 – April 19)

The sign of Aries is associated with youthful energy, enterprise and confidence. The remedies that enhance these qualities are:

  • Yantra Recommendation for Aries: The Mangal Yantra is dedicated to the planet Mars, the ruling planet of Aries. This Yantra is believed to boost the positive traits of Mars in an individual's life, such as courage, strength and the ability to overcome obstacles. It can also help in reducing the malefic effects of Mars, like aggression and impatience.
  • Mantra Recommendation for Aries: The Mangal Mantra or chant for Mars can enhance the positive effects of Mars in an Aries individual's life. This will promote vitality and assertiveness while protecting against conflicts and accidents.
  • Mantra in Sanskrit: "Om Kraam Kreem Kraum Sah Bhaumaya Namah".
  • Phonetic Spelling for Pronunciation: Kram Sounds like "Kraam," where "Kra" is pronounced quickly, followed by a prolonged "aam." Kreem Pronounced as "Kreem," with a rolled "r" and a long "ee" sound, similar to the word "cream" in English. Kraum Sounds like "Kraa-um," where "Kraa" is stretched a bit and "um" is pronounced as in "hum". Sah Just like the English word "saw" but shorter and more abrupt. Bhaumaya This is broken down into "Bhau-ma-ya." "Bhau" sounds like the word "bhow" (as in "how" with a 'b' in front), "ma" as in "mama," and "ya" as in "yacht". Namah Pronounced as "Na-mah", with "Na" as in "nun" and "mah" as in "mama".

Taurus ♉ (April 20 – May 20)

For the sign of Taurus, which values stability, beauty and pleasure, Yantras and Mantras that promote harmony, prosperity and patience are recommended.

  • Yantra Recommendation for Taurus: The Venus Yantra, enhancing the qualities of Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus. This Yantra is beneficial for attracting love, beauty and wealth, harmonising Taurus' desire for a peaceful and prosperous life.
  • Mantra Recommendation for Taurus: The Venus Mantra, to amplify Taurus' natural affinity for beauty and comfort and to encourage a more balanced approach to relationships and finances.
  • Mantra in Sanskrit: "Om Draam Dreem Draum Sah Shukraya Namah".
  • Phonetic Spelling for Pronunciation: Om Dram Dreem Droum Sah Shu-kra-ya Na-mah.

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Gemini ♊ (May 21 – June 20)

For the sign of Gemini, known for their adaptability, intellectual curiosity and communication skills, Yantras and Mantras that support mental clarity, enhance communicative abilities and foster social connections are highly beneficial.

  • Yantra Recommendation for Gemini: The Mercury Yantra, which bolsters the positive attributes of Mercury, Gemini's ruling planet. This Yantra aids in clear thinking, effective communication and facilitates learning and networking.
  • Mantra Recommendation for Gemini: The Mercury Mantra, to enhance Gemini's natural wit, intelligence and versatility, making them even more eloquent speakers and agile thinkers.
  • Mantra in Sanskrit: "Om Braam Breem Braum Sah Budhaya Namah".
  • Phonetic Spelling for Pronunciation: Om Bram Breem Broum Sah Bud-ha-ya Na-mah.

Cancer ♋ (June 21 – July 22)

For the sign of Cancer, which is deeply connected to emotions, nurturing and intuitive abilities, Yantras and Mantras that enhance emotional stability, protection and intuitive development are recommended.

  • Yantra Recommendation for Cancer: The Moon Yantra, enhancing the qualities of the Moon, Cancer's ruling celestial body. This Yantra helps in balancing emotions, nurturing love and fostering a sense of security and comfort.
  • Mantra Recommendation for Cancer: The Moon Mantra, to invoke the nurturing and soothing qualities of the Moon, enhancing Cancer's natural caring instincts and emotional depth.
  • Mantra in Sanskrit: "Om Shraam Shreem Shraum Sah Chandramase Namah".
  • Phonetic Spelling for Pronunciation: Om Shram Shreem Shroum Sah Chan-dra-ma-se Na-mah.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

For the sign of Leo, known for their leadership, creativity and self-confidence, Yantras and Mantras that promote self-expression, courage and positive energy are recommended.

  • Yantra Recommendation for Leo: The Sun Yantra, which strengthens the positive aspects of the Sun, Leo's ruling planet. This Yantra boosts vitality, leadership and honour, helping Leos shine in the roles they adopt.
  • Mantra Recommendation for Leo: The Sun Mantra, to enhance Leo's natural charisma, authority and vitality, encouraging their leadership qualities and creative expression.
  • Mantra in Sanskrit: "Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaya Namah".
  • Phonetic Spelling for Pronunciation: Om Hram Hreem Hroum Sah Sur-ya-ya Na-mah.

Virgo ♍ (August 23 – September 22)

For the sign of Virgo, characterised by their analytical mind, practicality and attention to detail, Yantras and Mantras that enhance mental clarity, health and efficiency are beneficial.

  • Yantra Recommendation for Virgo: The Mercury Yantra, supporting the attributes of Mercury, Virgo's ruling planet. This Yantra aids in decision making, learning and communication, enhancing Virgo's natural talents.
  • Mantra Recommendation for Virgo: The Mercury Mantra, to support Virgo's analytical skills, health and work efficiency, helping them to achieve their goals with precision and care.
  • Mantra in Sanskrit: "Om Braam Breem Braum Sah Budhaya Namah".
  • Phonetic Spelling for Pronunciation: Om Bram Breem Broum Sah Bud-ha-ya Na-mah.

Libra ♎ (September 23 – October 22)

For the sign of Libra, known for their charm, balance and love for harmony and aesthetics, Yantras and Mantras that promote relationships, beauty and equilibrium are recommended.

  • Yantra Recommendation for Libra: The Venus Yantra, enhancing the qualities of Venus, Libra's ruling planet. This Yantra is beneficial for love, beauty and harmony, in accordance with Libra's quest for balance and aesthetic pleasures.
  • Mantra Recommendation for Libra: The Venus Mantra, to amplify Libra's natural affinity for grace, charm and harmonious relationships, fostering a peaceful and beautiful environment around them.
  • Mantra in Sanskrit: "Om Draam Dreem Draum Sah Shukraya Namah".
  • Phonetic Spelling for Pronunciation: Om Dram Dreem Droum Sah Shu-kra-ya Na-mah.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

For the sign of Scorpio, associated with depth, transformation and intensity, Yantras and Mantras that aid in emotional healing, power and protection are highly beneficial.

  • Yantra Recommendation for Scorpio: The Mars Yantra, which strengthens the positive aspects of Mars, the ruling planet of Scorpio. This Yantra provides courage, protection and supports transformational processes, aiding Scorpios in their journey towards selfdiscovery and empowerment.
  • Mantra Recommendation for Scorpio: The Mars Mantra, to invoke the protective and dynamic energy of Mars, empowering Scorpio's resilience, passion and healing capabilities.
  • Mantra in Sanskrit: "Om Kraam Kreem Kraum Sah Bhaumaya Namah".
  • Phonetic Spelling for Pronunciation: Om Kram Kreem Kroum Sah Bhau-ma-ya Na-mah.

Sagittarius ♐ (November 22 – December 21)

For the sign of Sagittarius, known for their love of freedom, exploration and truth seeking, Yantras and Mantras that support wisdom, luck and expansion are recommended.

  • Yantra Recommendation for Sagittarius: The Jupiter Yantra, enhancing the qualities of Jupiter, Sagittarius' ruling planet. This Yantra aids in spiritual growth, prosperity and success in ventures, resonating with Sagittarius' quest for meaning and adventure.
  • Mantra Recommendation for Sagittarius: The Jupiter Mantra, to enhance Sagittarius' natural wisdom, optimism and desire for growth, encouraging progressive thinking and good fortune.
  • Mantra in Sanskrit: "Om Graam Greem Graum Sah Gurave Namah".
  • Phonetic Spelling for Pronunciation: Om Gram Greem Groum Sah Gu-ra-ve Na-mah.

Capricorn ♑ (December 22 – January 19)

For the sign of Capricorn, known for their discipline, practicality and ambition, Yantras and Mantras that enhance these qualities and support their hardworking nature are recommended.

  • Yantra Recommendation for Capricorn: The Shani Yantra, which is dedicated to Lord Shani, the ruler of Capricorn. This Yantra helps to mitigate the challenges posed by Saturn, facilitating discipline, persistence and success in all undertakings.
  • Mantra Recommendation for Capricorn: The Shani Mantra, which is ideal for Capricorns to harness their determination, overcome obstacles and achieve their ambitious goals with patience and discipline.
  • Mantra in Sanskrit: "Om Sham Shanaischaryaye Namah".
  • Phonetic Spelling for Pronunciation: Om Sham Sha-nai-scha-rya-ye Na-mah.

Aquarius ♒ (January 20 – February 18)

For the sign of Aquarius, which is known for its innovative, intellectual and humanitarian qualities, specific Yantras and Mantras can be recommended to enhance these natural traits and bring balance and prosperity to the life of an Aquarian.

  • Yantra Recommendation for Aquarius: Aquarians are forward thinking and sometimes can feel detached or experience restlessness, similar to the influence of Ketu. The Ketu Yantra can help in grounding their energy, bringing focus and alleviating any feelings of loneliness or dissatisfaction with the material world. It supports the Aquarian's spiritual journey and quest for enlightenment.
  • Mantra Recommendation for Aquarius: The Ganesh Mantra for removing obstacles and enhancing intellectual insight. This powerful chant brings the blessings of the lord of good fortune, 'Ganesh'
  • Mantra in Sanskrit: "Om Gam Ganapataye Namah".
  • Phonetic Spelling for Pronunciation: Om Gan Gah-nah-pah-tah-ye Nah-mah-h.

Pisces ♓ (February 19 – March 20)

For the sign of Pisces, which is deeply connected to spirituality, intuition and emotional depth, specific Yantras and Mantras can be recommended to enhance these innate qualities and bring balance and prosperity to their lives.

  • Yantra Recommendation for Pisces: The Shri Yantra, which is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, who symbolises wealth, prosperity and beauty. Pisces individuals, with their natural inclination towards empathy and generosity, may sometimes need to focus more on attracting abundance and stability in their lives. The Shri Yantra can help manifest these desires, grounding Pisces’ dreams into reality.
  • Mantra Recommendation for Pisces: Mahalakshmi Mantra, to complement the Shri Yantra, the Mahalakshmi Mantra is a powerful chant that invokes the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, encouraging wealth, beauty and harmony in life. It's particularly beneficial for Pisces to enhance their fortune and spiritual well-being.
  • Mantra in Sanskrit: "Om Shreem Hreem Shreem, Kamale Kamalalaye, Praseed Praseed, Shreem Hreem Om Mahalakshmaye Namaha".
  • Phonetic Spelling for Pronunciation: Om Shreem Hreem Shreem, Ka-ma-le Ka-ma-la-laye, Pra-seed Pra-seed, Shreem Hreem Om Ma-ha-laksh-ma-ye Na-ma-ha.
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