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Tomorrow's Horoscopes, Fri February 14, 2025


Horoscope Chart for Fri February 14, 2025 Horoscope chart cast for 12:00 PM IST(01:30 EDT), Sat February 15 2025 at Nahan, India.


Fri February 14, 2025
  •  Phase of the Moon ⇒  Waning, Day 2
  •  Nakshatra ⇒  Poorva Phalg
  •  Moon Sign ⇒  Leo
  •  Sun Sign ⇒  Aquarius
  •  Compound Date ⇒  7
  •  'Rahu Kal' ⇒  10:30A.M. to 12:00P.M.
Waning Crescent of the Moon. Day, 2

Astrology Chart Analysis for Fri February 14

On February 14th, 2025, the planetary positions in the Vedic astrology chart indicate a day of mixed energies and potential challenges. The 1st house is ruled by Jupiter, currently placed in Rohini nakshatra, in the zodiac sign of Taurus. This placement brings a sense of stability and optimism, but it may also lead to overindulgence and stubbornness. The 2nd house is ruled by Mars, currently retrograde in Punarvasu nakshatra, in the zodiac sign of Gemini. This placement can bring unexpected changes and conflicts, especially in communication and finances. The 3rd house is in Cancer, which may bring emotional sensitivity and a need for security. The 4th house is ruled by Moon, currently in Purva Phalguni nakshatra, in the zodiac sign of Leo. This placement can bring a desire for attention and recognition, but it may also cause emotional turmoil and mood swings. The 5th house is ruled by Ketu, currently in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra, in the zodiac sign of Virgo. This placement can bring a need for solitude and introspection, but it may also lead to confusion and detachment. The 6th house is in Libra, which may bring a focus on partnerships and relationships. The 7th house is in Scorpio, which may bring intensity and passion in relationships. The 8th house is in Sagittarius, which may bring a desire for adventure and exploration. The 9th house is in Capricorn, which may bring a need for structure and discipline. The 10th house is ruled by Saturn, currently in Purva Bhadrapad nakshatra, in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. This placement can bring a sense of responsibility and hard work, but it may also lead to feelings of restriction and limitation. Mercury is also present in the 10th house, in Dhanishta nakshatra, but it is currently combust (too close to the Sun), which can bring challenges in communication and decision making. The Sun is also present in the 10th house, in Dhanishta nakshatra, which can bring a strong sense of self and leadership, but it may also cause ego clashes and power struggles. The 11th house is ruled by Venus, currently in Uttara Bhadrapad nakshatra, in the zodiac sign of Pisces. This placement can bring a focus on material possessions and relationships, but it may also lead to unrealistic expectations. Rahu is also present in the 11th house, in Uttara Bhadrapad nakshatra, but it is currently retrograde, which can bring unexpected changes and disruptions in plans. The 12th house is in Aries, which may bring a sense of independence and courage. Overall, this day may bring a mix of energies and challenges, but it also has the potential for growth and learning. It is important to stay grounded and mindful of our actions and decisions. This is a day to be cautious and patient and to focus on building strong foundations for the future.
What does this page show?
  • Links to the predictions for all zodiac signs, for tomorrow's date.
  • The day's astrological data according to tomorrow's horoscope chart, ephemeris and almanac.
  • A general analysis of the day's astrological influences.
  • The information on this page is updated according to Eastern Standard Time (EST/EDT, 17:09), or the New York, US time zone, so as to cover the widest section of visitors.
  • Match the dates on these pages with the prevailing dates in Ashburn, for your applicable predictions.
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