Fri October 11, 2024
- Phase of the Moon ⇒ Waxing, Day 8
- Nakshatra ⇒ Uttarashadha
- Moon Sign ⇒ Capricorn
- Sun Sign ⇒ Libra
- Compound Date ⇒ 2
- 'Rahu Kal' ⇒ 10:30A.M. to 12:00P.M.
What does this page show?
- The predictions for the zodiac signs on this page are for tomorrow's date, which is also shown on the page. Likewise, all the data given in the 'Ephemeris' is for tomorrow. You can view today's and yesterday's daily horoscopes through the given links.
- The Tarot cards for each sign, are drawn separately for today and tomorrow, hence you will not see tomorrow's cards in today's predictions.
- The information on this page and for our daily predictions for 'Today', 'Tomorrow' and 'Yesterday', are updated according to Eastern Standard Time (EST/EDT, 12:38), or the New York, US time zone, so as to cover the widest section of visitors.
- Match the dates on these pages with the prevailing dates in Ashburn, for your applicable predictions.
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